This article describes the new opportunities that became available with the release of Cintoo Connect CLI (command line interface) - a version without a graphical interface but with strong customization capabilities. This tool could be used to automate certain import/export tasks replacing the classical interface of Cintoo Connect for users not familiar with it. Once the environment and the parameters are set up repetitive import/export tasks become simple and seamless. Moreover, implementation of specific internal procedures and data standards become real.
Note: Cintoo Connect version must be greater than 2.13 to have the executable CLI file inside installation folder. Use the following link to download the latest version of Cintoo Connect.
To use Cintoo Connect CLI following permissions are needed:
- Upload or Delete Reality Data for scan import
- Export or Download Reality Data for scan export
Use Help to discover more information about the process of using Cintoo Connect CLI with these commands in command line:
./cintooconnect-cli.exe --help
./cintooconnect-cli.exe [IMPORT-TYPE] --help
Use Cases
- Create a Python script to batch import scans
- Create a Python script to batch export scans
- Create organization-specific workflows
With possibilities to:
- route import path inside a project
- target a specific work zone for export
- create event-driven scripts (e.g. automatic import into Cintoo once scan is placed into a folder)
List of Import Commands
import-static --token=$token --tenant=$tenant --accountId=$accout_Id --projectId=$project_Id --workzoneId=$workzone_Id --file-ref=$file_ref
import-static --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --file-ref=$file_ref
Commands to import terrestrial scan data. Instructions for obtaining token and IDs could be found in API guidance section.
import-mobile --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --file-ref $local_file_path --device "$device_name" --position-sampling $position_sampling
$device_name could take the following values:
- GeoSLAM Zeb Structured
- Leica BLK2GO
- NavVis Ivion
Commands to import mobile scan data without scanning path.
import-mobile --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --file-ref $local_file_path --device "$device_name" --scanning-path $scanning_path --position-sampling $position_sampling
$device_name could take the following values:
- NavVis VLX and M6
- GeoSLAM Zeb series
- Viametris Backpack Mobile Scanner
- Emesent Hovermap
- Generic E57/LAS/LAZ
Commands to import mobile scan data with a scanning path.
import-drone --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --file-ref $local_file_path --distance $distance_float
Command to import drone scan data.
List of Export Commands
export --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --structured False --destination $destination_path --decimation $float_decimation
Command to export non-structured scan data with a defined decimation.
export --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --structured False --destination $destination_path
Command to export non-structured scan data.
To choose the file format add it at the end of the $destinationPath (for example: export/file.e57). Supported formats E57,POD, RCS, RCP.
export --cintoo-uri=$job_uri --structured True --destination $destination_path
Command to export structured scan data. To choose the file format add it at the end of the $destinationPath (for example: export/file.rcp). Supported formats E57, RCP.
Guidance on the API calls
- Get token
- Get account ID
Please use the following API call to list all the accounts, then parse to retrieve the account ID.
- Get project ID
If there is an existing project, please use the following API call to list all the projects and then parse with this API call to retrieve the project ID.
If the project is to be created, please use the following API call to create a new project and then parse to retrieve its ID.
- Get work zone ID
If there is an existing work zone, please use the following API call to retrieve the list of work zones. From the list retrieve the needed work zone ID.
If the work zone is to be created, please use the following API call to create a new work zone and retrieve its ID.
Tips and limitations
- The data could be imported both from a local storage and cloud blob storage, so both a local file path and a cloud URL could be used. To access cloud data (AWS, Azure etc.) the link has to include the signature.
Examples of the paths:
- Please be aware of the scan capacity for you subscription. The same limitations are applied for the import through Cintoo Connect CLI as for the standard procedure. The scan capacity cannot be exceeded.
- Currently only scans are available for import/export operations. Our development team is working on the 360 Images.
- For now only 2 cores are used to parallelize the process
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